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Valentine's Day Fundraiser

Posted : 15 February 2022

For Valentine’s Day this year, the Student Leadership Team raised $850 for the Starlight Children’s Foundation, helping to brighten the lives of sick kids. Roses, lolly bags and teacher votes were sold in the lead up to the day. The Leadership Team arrived at school bright and early on Monday morning to sort the 300 roses and 150 lolly bags. They were handed out to secondary students during their Period 5 classes accompanied by music and serenades for those who received the most roses in each year. Students also enjoyed taking photos at a themed photo wall, where extra lolly bags and cookies were sold on the day. Mrs Martin, Head of Mathematics, won the teacher votes and received a serenade by the Leadership Team to a parody of “Isn’t She Lovely” at Thursday’s Assembly. The Leadership Team had a great time organising this charity event, and are grateful for everyone who got involved.

Hannah Stanford
College Captain