Justin Coulson Parent Session 21 May 2024. Book Now.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics

iSTEAM gives students in Stage 3 the opportunity to explore their scientific thinking and demonstrate their understanding through project-based learning.


iSTEAM gives students in Stage 3 the opportunity to explore their scientific thinking and demonstrate their understanding through project-based learning.

iSTEAM enables student to collaborate, design and to make and test their ideas and then communicate their findings to a wide audience of adults and students.

The skills of reflective and relational learning are a key component of what it is to be a a 21st century learner.

STEAM related activities are not limited to this one-off experience, however. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have the opportunity to apply this same multi-disciplinary approach to a wide range of rich tasks across a range of subjects. They have opportunities to interact with a range of technologies, coding, programming and design challenges that further enhance students’ appreciation of the interconnections between Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics and the learning skills to prepare them to thrive in a fast moving world.